Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ice is sacred

Last week, while drinking at Green St, I witnessed a woman yapping and flailing her arms so excessively that she smacked a chilled martini glass off the bar. It shattered in the ice bin. 

This is about all people who do bad things to ice: break glass in it, refuse to get it for bartenders when they are running low, fight over the best way to use it, etc. Ice is more special than you might realize. It makes your drinks cold. There is even a beautiful spoon designed in honor of ice: 

I have been drinking too much. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

(Please Don't) Put Your Hands Up... (the remix)

To the assholes who raise their hands and tap on the bar:

Yes, we fucking see you. You may have been waiting for your 42 Sex On The Beaches for ages but the fact that you're holding two full drinks in your hand and are tapping on the bar like it's a damn episode of Family Feud does NOT encourage us to fast-forward you to the top of the list.

Fuck off. Finish your drinks. And wait your damn turn. Flailing your hands in the air only makes us want to rip off our own arms so we have something to throw at you.