Thursday, November 26, 2009

Crowds, cameras and ou est la swimming pool.

To all of the underage hipster-wannabes (yes, hipster wannabes) that attended La Roux last're a disgrace to your generation and the entire music community.

Don't go to a concert if you don't know the band playing. It's not a social gathering, it's a fucking concert where artists are pouring their heart out on stage. It's normally not great decorum to make out with your girlfriends/boyfriends right in front of the stage the entire time - a glance towards the performance would be nice.

And to the rest of the over-excited, over-snappy audience members (particularly the couple in front of me): Is it really necessary to take over 5,263,119 pictures throughout the course of the evening? Having your arms flash up and obstruct my view every third second was GREAT. Really enhanced my experience. But it was definitely worth it because I'm sure it was completely imperative that you got a picture of Elly Jackson at every degree, with every movement she did. I suppose you'll be making a scrap book or a moving cartoon with that later. Sounds great.

And thanks again for turning around every 30 seconds to yell and point and aero-distance-dance with your friends sitting up in the balconies, over 70 feet away. Looking right into your faces was really the reason I bought the ticket in the first place.

Oh, and the miming and the yelling and the 45 degree leaning you were doing ALL TOWARDS THE BACK OF THE THEATRE was simply priceless.

Here's hoping you're not actually bulletproof.

And to the guys in the swimming pool or whatever/whoever...

Next time, how about wearing a full shirt instead of a half one? And how about acting a little less yuppie. You're not talented, clearly didn't want to be on stage, you made me nauseous and I hope you can't procreate. The world doesn't need more of you.

Congratulations on knowing all of the words to your own songs though. No, really. Seriously. Job very well done. You've climaxed now so you've got no where else to go except downhill.

Please stop.

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