Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It Must Be True - It Says So On Wikipedia

To anyone who fills out their own Wikipedia page - come on, admit it - it's douchy. I know we live in a day and age where self-propaganda is necessary and compelling to a degree, but where is the line that divides a little shameless plug into total, outright narcissism? It's a blurry one methinks.

How would my page go? Hmmm...

DEEDEE (pronounced [deedee]; born January 28, 1982) is an Anglo-American journalist/writer most commonly known for her analytical work in films. Her wit, charm, and general ability to put all people (including herself) into their place is expressed through her humorous and mildly popular blogsite, Daily Douche, which she co-writes with Alle Santiago. Deedee, who is not, by any means, a negative person in her personal life, utilizes the blogosphere to channel out her rage on things that she typically would keep to herself. She is a champion of free-speech and noble critic of the many douchebags of the world.

See? I've literally just jumped into a bag of douche as I typed that. Not on. Don't like it. Not for me, thank you.

I think if you're amazing enough to warrant a Wikipedia page, the rule should be, someone else besides yourself, should agree. And they should write it. So, that's not coming down too hard on people is it? All I'm suggesting is that there be ONE other person IN THE WORLD who agrees with any narcissism you have. Yeah. Then it's ok. I guess.

Plus, this kid is a Goddamn legend. Thank you VERY much for calling out the journo-douches of the world. Amazing.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go take a very thorough shower.

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