Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some pretentious writers, a drunk gay guy and a God-fearing midget walk into a bar...

I literally have so much that I could ramble about on this post, that I'm already fearing that I may lose the plot and go off into jagged, feverish tangents. So, I'm purposefully going to be succinct and try to salvage any remnants of sanity I have left after these encounters:

1) Writers who aren't writers so much as PRETENTIOUS SHOCK ENGINES. You suck. Using excessive foul language (I'm talking every other word), cliquish diction, purposeful bad punctuation that confuses even you, and multi-colored/sized/fonted typeface should not be mistaken for intelligence nor wit. Of course it's your prerogative to do whatever the hell you want on your website/blog, but please, PLEASE don't call it writing. It's not if people don't understand what you're even saying. Perhaps consider a career in foreign languages. Or graphic design.

2) Obliterated homosexual who enters blatant testosteroney sports bar after last call. Don't try and flirt with the hairiest guy at the bar, who happens to be drinking a Miller Lite and wearing a Sox hat. He may just kick your ass. Luckily, he didn't and found you massaging his shoulder while singing Aerosmith into his ear mildly amusing.

3) Self-obsessed Barbie Doll who likes to steal and then go to Church. Why aren't you going to one of your oldest friends weddings? Just because it's not all about you? A little envious perhaps that you're not walking down the aisle? Stupid. People like you exist only for people like us to laugh at you. That is your one and only purpose in this life. Remember that.


ellen frances said...

i like "multi colored sized 'fonted(?)' type face"

alle santiago said...

yeah diana, if you're talking about sam pink i will kill you. on another note, are you working tomorrow night? come into wsl and have a drink with me?

Deedee said...

NO. I wasn't talking about him - I've just now looked at his blog though. NOT him.

Ellen, you're right - fonted isn't a word. I knew that but typed it anyway. Perhaps you can join this and list me on your first entry.